The IT asset tracker every organization needs.
Computers, printers, copiers, fax machines...IT devices are the mainstay of every organization
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Hold all asset information within reach.
Make tracking infinitely easier. Store every conceivable piece of information about your asset—whether it's a laptop or mobile model number, software version, hardware type, or a license's vendor—right within the app.
Know the whereabouts of your assets at all times.
Stay in the know of who the assets are loaned to, where they are, and for how long they'll be held, with live updates.
Track your machine, hardware, and software in one go
The three in most cases are interlinked, which is why tracking them shouldn't be three separate tasks. With this app, know the status of the software installed with an overview of the licences and the hardware connected, just by clicking on the machine details.
Review asset demands at a glance.
Know which assets are in demand, with charts that display how much of each operating system, software, and hardware has been installed. Place orders for the assets based on this analysis, and cut costs for your company.

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